MATLAB: How to find the numerical partial derivative of matrix

matrixpartial differentiationvectors

Hello Matlab Community
I want to find the partial differentiaton of a particular column from a matrix. For instance
D =
0.9293 0.4733 0.9172 0.5678 0.9340
0.3500 0.3517 0.2858 0.0759 0.1299
0.1966 0.8308 0.7572 0.0540 0.5688
0.2511 0.5853 0.7537 0.5308 0.4694
0.6160 0.5497 0.3804 0.7792 0.0119
f =
D is a 5×5 matrix and f a 5×1 matrix obtained from the second column of D.
I want to compute a partial differentiation of D with respect to f or the second column. Your input is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance

Best Answer

See if the gradient (link) function will do what you want.
You will probably have to experiment with it, since I do not understand what you want to do (i.e. how you intend to calculate the derivative).