MATLAB: How to find the number of state variables in an electrical circuit model built using SimPowerSystems 5.0 (R2008b)

circuitdegreeselectronicfreedomofsimpowersystemsSimscape Electricalstatevariables

I built the electrical circuit model using SimPowerSystems 5.0 (R2008b). I want to know the number of state variables in this model.

Best Answer

The number of state variables in a model that was designed using SimPowerSystems 5.0 (R2008b) can be obtained using the POWER_ANALYZE function.
The POWER_ANALYZE command computes the equivalent state-space model of the specified electrical circuit model and returns the A, B, C, and D standard matrices of the state-space system. The rank of the A matrix gives the number of state variables in the model. Additionally, this function also returns a character array of state variable names.
As an example, the following command returns the state variable names in the "power_netsim2.mdl" demo model to the "states" variable:
[A,B,C,D,x0,states] = power_analyze('power_netsim2')
For more information on the POWER_ANALYZE function, please refer to the help documentation by executing the following command in MATLAB:
doc power_analyze