MATLAB: How to find the number of occurrences of each pair in a matrix

count occurrencespairs

Suppose my
A = [1 2 3;
2 3 1;
2 1 3]
% where any digit won't repeat in the same row.
% I need to find out the number of occurrences of each pair.
Expected output:
Pair(1,2) = 1 occurence;
Pair(2,1) = 1;
Pair(2,3) = 2;
Pair(3,2) = 0;
Pair(3,1) = 1;
Pair(1,3) = 1;
I was trying this code
for n = 2:3
[j,i]=ind2sub(fliplr(size(A)), strfind(reshape(A.',1,[]),[1 n]).');
C = [i,j];
d = numel(C(j));
T9 = table(1, n, d)
error occurs when the second row ends with 1 and the third row begins with 2.

Best Answer

A = [1 2 3;
2 3 1;
2 1 3];
u = unique(A);
P = nchoosek(u,2);
P = [P;fliplr(P)];
[~,J] = ismember([A(:,1:2); A(:,2:3)],P,'rows');
n = accumarray(J(:),1,[size(P,1) 1]);
for k=1:size(P,1)
fprintf('Pair %s, %d time\n',mat2str(P(k,:)),n(k));
Pair [1 2], 1 time
Pair [1 3], 1 time
Pair [2 3], 2 time
Pair [2 1], 1 time
Pair [3 1], 1 time
Pair [3 2], 0 time