MATLAB: How to find the number of non-virtual blocks in the Simulink model


I want to find out the total number of non-virtual blocks in my model so that I can determine if it will run in a Student Version of MATLAB (which has a 1000 non-virtual block limit).

Best Answer

To determine the number of non-virtual blocks in a Simulink model, open the model and type the following command at the MATLAB command prompt
length(find_system('ModelName', 'LookUnderMasks', 'on', 'FollowLinks', 'on','Virtual', 'off'))
However, in addition to a limit of 1000 non-virtual blocks, the student version may not have the libraries that the model might be using. Use the SLDIAGNOSTICS function with 'libs' option to obtain the list of libraries being accessed by the model as:
where 'ModelName' is the name of the Simulink model.