MATLAB: How to find the indices of the Self Organizing Map (SOM) training set output

Deep Learning Toolboxsom neural net indices

I'm using the SOM toolbox and have created the following:
net = selforgmap([10 10)];
[net,tr] = train(net,inputs);
where 'inputs' is a 5×10000 matrix of 5 parameters with 10000 samples.
using plotsomhits(net,inputs); shows how the 10000 samples are getting clustered.
Question: How do I output where each individual vector is clustered? For example where on the 10×10 grid is vector #1 located?

Best Answer

Here is an example that should help you:
net = selforgmap([10 10]);
[net,tr] = train(net,inputs); % Classify input data
op_som = vec2ind(net(inputs))';
for each input in inputs, op_som will have a numbering between 1 to n based on which cluster it belongs to.