MATLAB: How to find the error logs when importing a System Composer model architecture from MATLAB tables

ArchitecturecomposererrorimportlogsystemSystem Composertable

I am trying to import a model architecture using the following command:
archModel = systemcomposer.importModel(modelName,components,ports,connections)
And I am encountering the following error:
Warning: 'Errors in importing model. Look into import error log for more details.'.
Where can I find the error log for more details?

Best Answer

To access the error logs from the import workflow, you can use the signature below instead:
[ model, ~, importLog, importErrorLog] = systemcomposer.importModel(modelName,,components,ports,connections);
The detailed errors can be read using 'importErrorLog(iterator).string', where the 'Iterator' variable is used to iterate through the list of error logs returned.