MATLAB: How to find the descending index in each row of a matrix

descending valueindexmatrix

Hi there, I have data for about 2000 lakes through 11 days so I have a 2000×11 matrix. which I want to know for each lake (row) when the numbers become descending. Lets say my matrix is A ( it shows the first four rows of my matrix) and A is:
[26 26 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 6 3;
558 558 558 558 533 521 494 367 367 64 8;
214 212 210 210 182 156 106 73 73 41 9;
448 448 445 445 375 219 132 130 130 73 32]
Finally I want an index vector (2000×1) that shows me the index of the descending point for each row. Means I want my result for the example matrix A to be like matrix below:
Any idea is really appreciated.

Best Answer

E.g., assuming there is always a decrease:
[~,x] = max(diff(A,1,2)<0,[],2);
result = x + 1;
If there is not a decrease, what would you want the code to produce?