MATLAB: How to find the corresponding vector

x = [1 2 3 4 5];
d = [0 10 20 30 40
10 0 50 60 70
20 50 0 80 90
30 60 80 0 100
40 70 90 100 0];
Dist = zeros(1,n);
for k=1:n
xp = randperm(numel(x), 2);
x(xp) = x(fliplr(xp)) % vector x permuted in two positions
s = sub2ind(size(d),x(1:end-1),x(2:end ));
Dist(k) = sum(d(s));
Distance = Dist(1,k) % travaled distance by elements of the vector x
Lowest_Distance = min(Dist)
I need to find the vector x corresponding to Lowest_Distance.
For exemple:
Lowest_Distance = 170
1 2 3 5 4

Best Answer

Dist = zeros(1,n);
Distx = zeros(n,numel(x)); % <-- ADDED, allocate for saved x vectors
for k=1:n
xp = randperm(numel(x), 2);
x(xp) = x(fliplr(xp)) % vector x permuted in two positions
s = sub2ind(size(d),x(1:end-1),x(2:end ));
Dist(k) = sum(d(s));
Distx(k,:) = x; % <-- ADDED, save the x vector for this iteration
Distance = Dist(1,k) % travaled distance by elements of the vector x
[Lowest_Distance,ix] = min(Dist); % <-- MODIFIED, get the index of the min
Lowest_Distancex = Distx(ix,:); % <-- ADDED, pick off x vector corresponding to the min