MATLAB: How to find the command line parameters or API for the Simulink configuration/settings


How to find the command line parameters or API for the Simulink configuration/settings?
For example I want to change the "System target file" in the Configuration Parameters programmatically.

Best Answer

In the Configuration Parameters you can easily find out, how to get the parameter to use with the set_param/get_param command to set/get the information.
Therefor click with the right mouse button onto the information you would like to get via code.
Then you should see "What's This?". After clicking on it, a small help window will appear containing the information under the "Command-Line Information" section.
In the example above you would see the following:
Command-Line Information
Parameter: SystemTargetFile*Type:* character vector*Value:* valid system target file*Default:* 'grt.tlc'
So using the following code line will help you to set this config:
>> set_param('SystemTargetFile','grt.tlc')