MATLAB: How to find specific variables out of 2 different arrays


I am given two different arrays. One is called wakeTimes and it is a 21 x 345 array. The other is, Section that is 345 x 1 containing the section numbers the subjects are in that are (0-6) I am trying to find the students that are in ONLY section 1 from the wake times. I understand you would have to use vector logic but how do i only pull out the information for those students.

Best Answer

I created data and tested it with this code:
M = randi(9, 25, 6); % Wake Times
S = randi([0 6], 25, 1); % Sections
Out = M(S == 1, :); % Select Only Section ‘1’
It works.
Make the appropriate variable name substitutions to use it with your matrices and vector.