MATLAB: How to find significance of correlation coefficients

correlationmapnetcdfp-valueplotregressionsignificance level

Hi Matlab World,
I am trying to find the significance of the correlation coefficients between two variables ssh and t (Zip file attached). I have hence used the following code:
lat = ncread('','latitude');
lon = ncread('','longitude');
ssh = ncread('','zos');
t = ncread('','bottomT');
rxy = zeros(nx,ny) ;
sxy = zeros(nx,ny) ;
for i=1:nx
for j=1:ny
[r,s] = corr(squeeze(t(i,j,:)),squeeze(ssh(i,j,:)));
I wanted to find how much of the area has significant correlation at 95% significance level (p value < 0.05) and plot it thereafter. Looking forward to your assistance.

Best Answer

The 2nd output to corr() gives you the p-value. You just need to save those values.
[rxy(i,j),sxy(i,j)] = corr(squeeze(t(i,j,:)),squeeze(ssh(i,j,:)));