MATLAB: How to find point of intersection

intersectionpoint of intersection

I have 4 coordinate and need to find the point of intersection. Can someone share the coding to find the intersection point and to display the point in graph below. Thank You.mat.JPG

Best Answer

Try this:
blue = [1 5; 1 5]; % [x1 x2; y1 y2]

red = [1 5; 3 2]; % [x1 x2; y1 y2]
Bb = [blue(1,:)' ones(2,1)] \ blue(2,:)'
Br = [red(1,:)' ones(2,1)] \ red(2,:)'
xint = (Br(2) - Bb(2)) / (Bb(1) - Br(1))
yint = [xint 1] * Bb
plot(blue(1,:)', blue(2,:)', '-b')
hold on
plot(red(1,:), red(2,:), '-r')
plot(xint, yint, 'pg', 'MarkerSize',10)
hold off
xint =
yint =