MATLAB: How to find /plot a parallel cordinate at a fixed distace from a lat long cordinate point in matlab

cordinatesgeometrylatitude longitudemapMapping ToolboxMATLABplot

I have two points in a map and have plotted these points by fitting a line in between them. lat10 = [11.0304,12.1497]; lon10 = [77.0391,77.2914 ]
I'm trying to plot a line which is paralel to this line/ points at a distance of 20 nmi. Kindly help please.

Best Answer

x = rand(2,1) ;
y = rand(2,1) ;
% fit a line
p = polyfit(x,y,1) ;
xi = linspace(x(1),x(2)) ;
yi = polyval(p,xi) ;
hold on
%% Draw line at distance d
d = 5. ;