MATLAB: How to find patterns in an array


I have a 19*19 array filled with either a 1, -1 or a 0.
I need to find patterns of 5 repeating values next to each other of any value in both row and columns, and then store where the patterns are in an array.
[1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 -1 ]
and then store where the patterns are in another 19*19 array. As either a row pattern, column pattern or both.
any suggestions on how to do it? I'm completely lost.

Best Answer

A loop is probably the simplest and clearest way to do it:
A = randi(3, 20) - 2; %for demo
patternlength = 5;
pl = patternlength - 1; %actually more useful than patternlength
positions = zeros(size(A)) %output matrix
for col = 1:size(A, 2) - pl
for row = 1:size(A, 1)- pl
if all(diff(A(row:row+pl, col)) == 0) || all(diff(A(row, col:col+pl)) == 0)
positions(row, col) = 1;