MATLAB: How to find out which version was used to create a particular model in Simulink 7.3 (R2009a)


I am looking for a way to prevent forward compatibility issues and therefore would like to know the version of Simulink used to create a particular model so that I can compare with the current version of Simulink that I am using.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2009b (R2009b). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
There is no easy way of getting the version of Simulink in which the model was created. It can be found out from reading the model file (.mdl) as text.
Use the attached function 'createdIn' to find the same. Download the MATLAB file to the current directory or to a folder which is on the MATLAB path. For example to find out in which was the demo model vdp.mdl created in, type the following at the MATLAB command prompt:-
Starting R2009b release , it will be possible to retrieve this information using the following
info = Simulink.MDLInfo('mymodel') % works only in releases after R2009b
modelVer = info.SimulinkVersion
modelVer = get_param(modelname, 'versionLoaded')