MATLAB: How to find non-numeric value from a matrix

find non-numeric value

I'm trying to give a numeric value to a non-numeric values. It seems to be a very simple problem but I just couldn't figure it out. Let's say I want to find the store number according to my t-shirt size.
First I define different sizes.
size = {'large', 'medium', 'small'};
Then, convert this non-numeric value to a numeric value for further use.
tshirt = find (size == 'medium');
This command doesn't work…I was hoping this command will give me back '2' which would be the column numer for 'medium' to give instructions to go store #2.
Is there any way to make this work? I'd appreciate a lot for any help/advices!

Best Answer

To compare strings, you'll need strcmp or strcmpi, depending on whether you want case sensitive or insensitive.
>> tshirts = {'sm','med','lar'};
>> nr = find(strcmpi(tshirts,'med'))
nr =