MATLAB: How to find nearest date and its corresponding value !


I have one date/time array(A). and another mat file (AOD) which has first column of date/time and second column has values.
I need find date/time from (AOD) which is nearest to date/time of (A) and the correspoding values from AOD to that date.
and if it find two dates near to date/time from A(for eg two minutes earlier and two minutes later ). it should take earilier datetime !
In my result matrix I should have first column of date/time from file (A) and second column should be values from AOD which were measured at time somewhere near to date/time first colum !
i hope you understand my question. I am adding those two files here.
pardon my english !

Best Answer

d = datetime(A,'ConvertFrom','datenum');
[lo,i] = ismembertol(AOD_440(:,1),A,1,'DataScale',1/8/60);
TT_out = array2timetable(AOD_440(lo,2),'RowTimes',d(i(lo)),'VariableNames',{'data'});