MATLAB: How to find mean of the image

image processing

I am using this command for finding mean of the 10 images
Here 3 is the dimension
Why to use 3 dimension here?
When I am using 2 dimensional I am not getting the answer.why?
can u suggest something about this
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

What dimension do you want to concatenate along and how do you want to take the mean?
X = mean(cat(2,randn(10,2),randn(10,2)),2);
Forms a matrix that is 10x4 and then takes the means of the rows to yield a 10x1 vector.
X = mean(cat(1,randn(10,2),randn(10,2)),1);
Forms a matrix that is 20x2 and takes the means of the columns to yield a 1x2 vector.