MATLAB: How to find Mean Error(ME), RMSE, Std Deviation either in matlab or in exel

drive testmermsestd deviation

i am working on my ME thesis in the field "Tuning of propagation Model at 1800 MHz for dense urban areas" got the plots for theoretical model like Free space,Cost 231 hata, Cost 231 WI,ECC,Sui, Erricson and also got the Actual measurements from field via drive test. Now i have to find these error metrics to compare the theoretical and actual data. if anyone can help please do.

Best Answer

Err = model - actual; % Both Are Column Vectors
mean_err = mean(Err);
mean_abs_err = mean(abs(Err));
RMSE = sqrt(mean(Err.^2));
std_err = std(Err);