MATLAB: How to find matrix column & row max & min output as vector

homeworkMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitematrix manipulation

I need to create a script that gives the maximum & minimum value of each column and each row of a vector. This is what I have so far for the overall max. The answer is supposed to display the the answer as a vector. This is my vector a=[0 7 3 -1 4; 12 14 8 9 5; -2 -3 -4 -7 -6;3 1 9 12 8]. I used the same code for overall max & min. I'm stuck on looping through the columns and giving the answer for each.
for p=2:numel(a)
if a(p)>mx
for p=2:numel(A)
if A(p)<mn
[mx mn]

Best Answer

For a matrix, use two indexes to separate the logic for the columns (or rows). E.g., for the column max values using a variation of what you already have:
[nr nc] = size(a); % number of rows & columns
mxc = zeros(1,nc); % initialize a max column vector
for c=1:nc % loop over the columns
mxc(c) = a(1,c); % initial max value
for r=2:nr
% put code here for testing & updating the max value
Then adjust the above for min of columns, max of rows, and min of rows.