MATLAB: How to find it

mathematicsMATLABnumerical integration

how can I find f(-0,3) on matlab?

Best Answer

There is not just one answer: it depends upon what model function you use
x = [-0.4, 0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2]
x = 1×5
-0.4000 0 0.4000 0.8000 1.2000
fx = [-0.204, -0.07, -0.006, 0.442, 1.658]
fx = 1×5
-0.2040 -0.0700 -0.0060 0.4420 1.6580
fx03 = interp1(x, fx, -0.3)
fx03 = -0.1705
fx03s = interp1(x, fx, -0.3, 'spline')
fx03s = -0.1382
p3 = polyfit(x, fx, 3);
fx03p3 = polyval(p3, -0.3)
fx03p3 = -0.1427
The cubic fit looks pretty good.