MATLAB: How to find intersection points between plot and straight line


I tried to find the intersection points of the attached figure using the following code provided to me which worked for a different figure.
h1c = get(gca, 'Children');
Xdc = get(h1c, 'XData');
Ydc = get(h1c, 'YData');
maxlen = max(cell2mat(cellfun(@max, cellfun(@size, Xdc, 'Uni',0),'Uni',0)))
Xd2 = cell2mat(Xdc(2));
Yd2 = cell2mat(Ydc(2));
Xd = Xd2;
Yd1 = cell2mat(Ydc(1));
Yd = [Yd1(1)*ones(size(Xd2)); Yd2];
Ydn = diff(Yd, [], 1); % Subtract line from curve to create zero-crossings
Zx = circshift(Ydn, [0 1]) .* Ydn; % Use circshift to detect them
Zxi = find(Zx < 0); % Their indices
for k1 = 1:length(Zxi) % Use interp1(Y,X,0) to get line intercepts as Xzx
Xzx(k1) = interp1([Ydn(Zxi(k1)-1) Ydn(Zxi(k1))], [Xd(1,Zxi(k1)-1) Xd(1,Zxi(k1))], 0);
hold on
plot(Xzx, repmat(Yd(1,1),1,length(Xzx)), '*r')
hold off
It returns with the error
Error using cellfun
Input #2 expected to be a cell array, was double instead.
And Im not quite sure how to fix it

Best Answer

That is my code, so I sort of remember what I was doing when I wrote it here nine months ago (in R2014a). What version of MATLAB are you using?
I’ll do my best to help, but I can’t figure out what you want to do. I don’t see a reference line in ‘Curve figure.fig’.