MATLAB: How to find fwhm for each peak

@image analyst

this is my coding in matlab. A is the result from picoscope. the result get from detecting lightning signal.
y = A(:,1);
x = (-0.6:4.000000046744390e-07:1.4);
vmax = max(y);
vmin = min (y);
%Find the half max value.
halfMax = max(y) / 2;
% Find where the data first drops below half the max.
index1 = find(y >= halfMax, 1, 'first');
% Find where the data last rises above half the max.
index2 = find(y >= halfMax, 1, 'last');
fwhm = index2-index1 + 1; % FWHM in indexes
% if you have an x vector
fwhmx = x(index2) - x(index1);
The formula I use in matlab for find fwhm is I get from Internet. Can u help me how to get the fwhm for all peak?

Best Answer

The Signal Processing Toolbox findpeaks function can return the FWHM of every peak. See the documentation sections on Determine Peak Widths and w for the necessary details. To return only the results from the largest or most prominent peaks, other name-value pair arguments will allow selections based on these (and other) criteria.