MATLAB: How to find Euclidean distance in matlab

distanceimage processingmatMATLAB

hi i have extracted the feature of the 1000 images by using color Correlogram & saved it in a .mat file, now i want to match some query image(consist of .mat file) with this data base by using Euclidean distance for image retrieval.but i don't know how to find the Euclidean distance between 1000 data base images & one query image. thanks

Best Answer

Dear what is the size of your feature vector, if it is column vector then let say your have 1000 feature vector of 1000 images. I denote it by D, where each column is feature vector of each image, in short column represent single image. and your Query image is Q is single column vector.
it can be computed as simple as;
Q= repmat(Q,1,size(D,2));
E_distance = sqrt(sum((Q-D).^2));
now E_distance is euclidean matrix distance. where each cell is distance of Query with database image.
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