MATLAB: How to find duplicate values in 2d matrix

duplicate findgroups unique

I have the following matrix
M =[ 1540 1685 6.90000000000000 24.2000000000000 14.6000000000000;
1540 1700 9.90000000000000 15.5000000000000 17.9000000000000;
1540 1701 9.90000000000000 12.4000000000000 17.9000000000000;
1540 1685 6.90000000000000 23.5000000000000 14.600000000000
1540 1700 9.90000000000000 15 17.9000000000000;
1540 1701 9.90000000000000 13.3000000000000 17.9000000000000;
1540 1680 6.90000000000000 26.2000000000000 14.4000000000000;
1540 1689 6.90000000000000 26.1000000000000 14.6000000000000;
1540 1680 6.90000000000000 24 14.6000000000000;
1540 1680 6.90000000000000 24 14.5000000000000;
1540 1688 7 23.5000000000000 14.6000000000000;
And I would like to identify the duplicates of that matrix based on the first two colums and extract them to furher operations. Thus, I would like to have a way to get a sub-matrices of the form
M11 = [ 1540 1700 9.90000000000000 15.5000000000000 17.9000000000000;
1540 1700 9.90000000000000 15 17.9000000000000;
M22 =[ 1540 1680 6.90000000000000 26.2000000000000 14.4000000000000;
1540 1680 6.90000000000000 24 14.5000000000000;
How can I achieve this? Could I use findgroups for this purpose?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

You can indeed use findgroups. You should supply the first two columns as separate inputs.
Then I would suggest looping through the group IDs and fill a cell array. Don't use numbered variables, because they are hard to use in further analysis.