MATLAB: How to find data values that falls on line connecting loglog plot in matlab

interp1interpolationloglog plotrebinresample

I tried 'interp1' with 'linear' and 'pchip' to tried to pull more data values out of the line that matlab connected my data points. Neither of them look correct when i go to plot the new data values on a loglog plot.
The problem is obvious when using the example from the Matlab Help for 'loglog'
x = logspace(-1,2);
y = exp(x);
Then find the interpolation to get more data points in the middle, the line isn't smooth:
xq = logspace(-1,2,500);
yq = interp1(x,y,xq,'linear'); %OR% yq = interp1(x,y,xq,'pchip');
figure; loglog(xq,yq);
I must be missing something easy. Thanks.

Best Answer

To get a smooth interpolation, it is necessary to do two transformations on it. First, interpolate log(y), and then take the exponential of the interpolated result:
yq = exp(interp1(x,log(y),xq,'linear'));