MATLAB: How to find correlation coefficient between two global maps

corrcorrcoefcorrelation coefficientgloballatitudelongitudenan

I have two global datasets of dimensions 288(longitude) x192(latitude)
I would like to calculate the correlation coefficient between the two of these global spreads
When use corrcoef(A,B) I just get a matrix of NaN's
Is there another command I should use?

Best Answer

Were all of the results NaN or only some of them?
If all of the results were NaN, then each of the two matrices A and B consisted of identical values (identical within the individual matrix).
If one of the entries was 1 and the other three were NaN, then if the 1 was in the upper left then A had at least two distinct entries, and if the 1 was in the lower right then B had at least two distinct entries.