MATLAB: How to find coordinates of two corner points in an image without using ginput

coordyatesdigital image processingImage Processing Toolboxmorphology

I have two corner points (I marked them in red so you can see it) in black and white image. I want to find coordinates of the points automatically without using 'ginput'.
I used the 'bwlabel' and 'regionprops' functions to crop an original image to find my region of interest (ROI).
im = imread('LA_shape1.jpg');
LA = im2bw(im, graythresh(im));
[Clab num] = bwlabel(LA);
props = regionprops(Clab);
LABox = imcrop(LA,[props.BoundingBox]);
figure; imshow(LABox);
Here is the result after cropping:
Is there any one who can kindly help me to find the coordinates of two corner points without using ginput? Thanks so much!

Best Answer

No need to crop, label, call regionprops. Why bother if all you want are the endpoints? Simply use bwmorph()
skelImage = bwmorph(binaryImage, 'skel', inf);
endPoints = bwmorph(skelImage, 'Endpoints');
[rows, columns] = find(endPoints);