MATLAB: How to find common centroids


Given: I have coordinates of 5 center points. For example:
centroids =
[] [156,140]
Want: I want to find nearest common centroid. Such as:
Common_centroids =
Currently done:
% remove blank cells matlab
centroids = centroids_test2'; centroids(cellfun(@isempty,centroids)) = [];
% convert the contents of a cell array into a single matrix.
centroid =[cell2mat(centroids')];
% find mean value
mean_centroid = round(mean(centroid));
% x coordinates of cenroid
centroid_x = centroid(:,1);
% y coordinates of cenroid
centroid_y = centroid(:,2);
%find x values more than mean
index1 = find(repmat(mean_centroid(1),length(centroid),1) < centroid_x);
% find y values less than mean
index2 = find(repmat(mean_centroid(2),length(centroid),1) > centroid_y);
Common_centroids = [centroid_x(index1),centroid_y(index2)];
Here is the output:
Common_centroids =
156 140
156 141
157 142
155 140
153 141
As you can see code itself is not robust at all, because I have to specify which mean value to find.
Needed: So I'm wondering, if there are any other better and more efficient way of doing it?
Thanks in advance for any help.
I will vote for all your answers.
[MATLAB version]

Best Answer

This is one way of doing it:
centroids = {[], [156 140]; [114 167], [156 141]; [117 172], [157 142]; [155 140], []; [153 141], []};
cmedian = median(vertcat(centroids{:}));
%convert centroids with a 3d array with [inf inf] for missing centroids
infcentroids = centroids;
infcentroids(cellfun(@isempty, centroids)) = {[inf inf]};
infcentroids = reshape(cell2mat(infcentroids), size(infcentroids, 1), 2, []);
%calculate square of euclidean distance from median:
edist = sum(bsxfun(@minus, infcentroids, cmedian).^2, 2);
%find minimum in each row:
[~, closest] = min(edist, [], 3);
%use that to index centroids:
common_centroids = cell2mat(centroids(sub2ind(size(centroids), (1:size(centroids, 1))', closest)))