MATLAB: How to find centroid of image and crop image in several images

convert video to binary imagedigital image processingimage acquisitionimage analysisimage processingImage Processing Toolboximage segmentation

I want to convert video to binary image.
And then I want to find center and crop image.
Binay image cropped image
I want to use several images in a folder using for loop. Could I get an idea about this?
Basiclly, I will use this code to convert video to images.
clear all
close all
%// read the video:
reader = VideoReader('shahar_bend.avi');
vid = {};
while hasFrame(reader)
vid{end+1} = im2single(readFrame(reader));
%// simple background estimation using mean:
bg = mean( cat(4, vid{:}), 4);
%// estimate foreground as deviation from estimated background:
for i=1:40
fIdx(i) = i; %// do it for frame 1 ~ 60
fg{i} = sum( abs( vid{fIdx(i)} - bg ), 3 );
fg{i} = imresize(fg{i}, 0.3);
fg{i} = reshape(fg{i},[],1);
X = cell2mat(fg);
data = double(X);

Best Answer

This is EXACTLY what my Image Segmentation Tutorial does.
Find it in my File Exchange.