MATLAB: How to find centroid

centroidImage Processing Toolboxregionprops

hi, i've an image having three objects. i was able to detect one of the object. now i need to find the centroid of the detected object. i used s=regionprops(bw,'centroid'); centroid=cat(1,s.centroid);
it give me an error : Reference to non-existent field 'majoraxislength'. please help. mail me at

Best Answer

Welcome to matlab absurd handling of case sensitivity.
While the arguments you pass to regionprops are not case sensitive, accessing the fields of a structure is. The fields of the structure returned by your regionprops are 'Area', 'Centroid' and 'BoundingBox', thus you need to access the fields with:
I'm not sure what you're doing with your plot commands though, plot(s(x).Centroid, s(x).Area, s(x).BoundingBox); wouldn't have worked anyway, so you may have to ask another question for that.