MATLAB: How to find all the variables of a given class in the MATLAB workspace


I would like to be able to find all the variables of a given class in MATLAB. The class could be a built-in or user-defined.

Best Answer

A function to find all the variables of a given class is not available in MATLAB.
As a workaround, one can use the following code to display all the variables of class "ClassName" in the Command Window:
s = whos; % Looks for all variables
data_collector = zeros(size(s)); % Pre-allocation
disp('List of ClassName Type variables')
for i = 1:length(s)
k = s(i).class;
data_collector(i) = strcmp(k,'ClassName');
if data_collector(i) == 1 % Write variable name in the Command Window
disp(s(i).name) % Display data
s = whos;
% find the objects with the type 'ClassName' from the workspace:
matches= strcmp({s.class}, 'ClassName');
my_variables = {s(matches).name}
This also applies to Simulnk Enumeration class. For example:
>> Simulink.defineIntEnumType('a',{'b','c','d'},[1,2,3],'DefaultValue','b','DataScope','Imported','AddClassNameToEnumNames',false)
>> s = a.b;
>> t = 1;
>> vars = whos;
>> idx = ismember({vars.class}, 'a');
>> vars_double = vars(idx);
Then, "vars_double" will only include the variables "s".