MATLAB: How to find all the possible permutations in a given array


The following vector is x = [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 8 ];
I want to find all possible permutations of the given vector by taking 5 elements, 4 elements & 3 elements at a time. The 'perms' function only provides the permutations by taking all the elements of the array at a time.
Kindly suggest any predefined function or process to get this.

Best Answer

x = [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 8 ]
p=arrayfun(@(k) num2cell(nchoosek(x,k),2), 3:length(x), 'unif', 0);
p=cellfun(@(x) num2cell(perms(x),2),p,'unif',0);