MATLAB: How to find all the minimum values in table using a for-loop (which has Ties)

arrayfor looploopMATLABMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitevector

Month = [01 02 03 04 05 06]';
Price = [99 58 94 58 87 91]';
Count = [10 30 20 27 05 04]';
T = table(Month, Price, Count)
m = 1
for i = 2:size(T,1)
if (T.Price(i) <= T.Price(m))
m = i;
I have this code that finds the minimum price and tells me which month has the minimum price. However, the answer I am getting is only the 4th month, whereas there is a minimum in the 2nd month as well. How can I get this code to show me all months with the minimum price? How can I store the answer in a vertical vector? Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Month = [01 02 03 04 05 06]';
Price = [99 58 94 58 87 91]';
Count = [10 30 20 27 05 04]';
A = Price
ind = 1;
minval = A(ind);
for i =1:numel(A)
if A(i) < minval
minval = A(i);
ind = i;
elseif A(i) == minval
ind = [ind i]; % add current index
Months_with_less_price = Month(ind)