MATLAB: How to find a string within a matrix and output array index to variable


First off, I hope that was titled right.
Secondly, here is my dilemma:
I have this matrix that is [1621×1] with 1-4 numbers in each row. I have a variable, called 'site' that has one of these numbers as its value.
I want to match the variable 'site',containing a number, to a number in a [1621×1] matrix and then find out what index the matching number from the [1612×1] matrix has.
I'm unclear about how to search the matrix for the specific value of 'site' and then return wherever site was found in the matrix as an index in a new variable.
I hope that I explained this right. If you need clarification, please ask!!!

Best Answer

your_matrix = 1621 x 1 matrix containing values 1 - 4
site = some value 1 - 4
indexes = find( your_matrix == site );