MATLAB: How to find a string in an array of strings? Error using strfind PATTERN must be a string scalar or character vector.


Dear all,
I am currently trying to derandomize a list of filenames. I do have a derandomization sheet for this. However, whenever I am trying to run the script I wrote for this I encounter the following error:
Error using strfind
PATTERN must be a string scalar or character vector.
Error in Derandomization (line 14)
idx = find(~cellfun(@isempty,strfind(N,C)))
This is my code:
close all
basicpath = ('C:\path');
[~,~,raw] = xlsread('filenames_new_sheet.xlsx');
T = readtable('derandomization.xlsx');
t = T{:,'Filename'}
newStr = erase(t,'_kakaka'); %get body of filenames to match
C = unique(newStr) % delete filenames that exist more than once
N = raw(:,2); runr
j = size(C)
k = size(N)
for n = 1:j
for m = 1:k
idx = find(~cellfun(@isempty,strfind(N,C)))
>> class N
ans =
>> class C
ans =
Why do I keep getting this error message everytime? And what can I do to avoid it? Thank you, everyone.

Best Answer

Try contains(). Not sure what derandomize means. Do you mean sort according to some vector of values or alphanumerically?