MATLAB: How to find a particular string in a stuct which has multiple fields

find string

I want to search and get the index of the string 'mnop' in the stuct MyStruct which has two fields abc and def. Please refer to the attachment to know how the struct looks. Currently string 'mnop' exists in second row of the field tried using strfind, strcmp and ismember. I know i'm missing a trick somewhere. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Best Answer

Why not something simple like this?:
>> S = load('MyStruct.mat');
>> MyS = S.MyStruct;
>> strcmp({},'mnop')
ans =
0 1 0 0
>> strcmp({MyS.def},'mnop')
ans =
0 0 0 0
This clearly identifies that the char vector 'mnop' exists in the second cell of the field abc. You can easily put this code into a loop, and loop over all of the fieldnames:
C = fieldnames(MyS);
for k = 1:numel(C)
and within the loop use whatever logic that you require.