MATLAB: How to filter/smooth an image that has circular symmetry

filterimage processingMATLABringsymmetry

I have a set of 2d data with circular symmetry stored as matrices. I wish to use the symmetry in order to smooth my image by using the other points that are at a comparable distance from the center. This would be in contrast to a filter that uses local neighbouring points to smooth the data, which tends to distort this data.
The image presented here is quite smooth but I have many images with noise.
Thanks, Aurélien

Best Answer

One approach would be to use radon and iradon,
noisyImage= (1+sqrt((-100:100).^2 + (-100:100).'.^2));
noisyImage=noisyImage.*(noisyImage<=100) + 5*randn(size(noisyImage));
R=mean( radon(noisyImage,theta) ,2);
smoothImage=iradon( repmat(R,1,numel(theta)) ,theta );
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