MATLAB: How to filter set of strings with set of patterns

cellarrayfilteringMATLABregular expressionstrings

I have a list of strings:
names = {'Robert', 'Bob', 'Charles', 'James', 'Jamie', 'Marie', 'Jamesbob'}
That I want to filter with a set of regular expression patterns:
patterns = {'.*ob', 'jam.*'}
How can I a list of the names which match with at least one of the patterns? (Without getting duplicates and while keeping the original order)
So would expect an output like:
{'Robert', 'Bob', 'James', 'Jamie', 'Jamesbob'}
I can find matches with a single pattern like:
regex_matches = regexpi(names, pattern{1}, 'match')
Can have multiple patterns without using a loop?
And here `regex_matches` is a cellarray of cellarrays. How would I turn this into a single level list?
(This questions sounds failry general but I couldn't find a previous question. Apologies if there is one.)

Best Answer

Try this
names = {'Robert', 'Bob', 'Charles', 'James', 'Jamie', 'Marie', 'Jamesbob'};
patterns = {'.*ob', 'jam.*'};
regex_matches = cell(numel(patterns), numel(names));
for i=1:numel(patterns)
regex_matches(i, :) = regexpi(names, patterns{i}, 'match');
idx = any(~cellfun(@isempty, regex_matches));
matched_names = names(idx);
>> matched_names
matched_names =
1×5 cell array
{'Robert'} {'Bob'} {'James'} {'Jamie'} {'Jamesbob'}