MATLAB: How to filter out NaNs on images


Hello everybody,
I would like to create a map where I can assign a brownish color to the areas inside the black contour lines (land). But, I also want to display another layer (the colored one on the figure below) on top of it. The issue is that this additionnal layer has NaNs covering the land and the sea, making all the background look blue.
How can I differentiate the colour of the sea and the land, while having this additionnal layer we see below ?
I thought of one way: I could make all the NaNs from this layer be transparent, so the background land would reappeare. But I don't know how to do that.
Maybe there is another solution but I can't think of any.
Thank you !

Best Answer

See if the below code works
clc; close all;
% Load data
load Background.mat
load lat.mat
load long.mat
load overlay_map.mat
% Plot the background image
ax1 = axes;
imagesc(ax1, lat, long, Background);
axis xy; hold on;
% Plot the foreground image
ax2 = axes;
imAlpha = ones(size(mean_map));
imAlpha(isnan(mean_map)) = 0;
imagesc(ax2, lat, long, mean_map, 'AlphaData', imAlpha);
set([ax1, ax2], 'Position', [0.17 0.11 0.7 .815]);
colorbar(ax2, 'Position', [0.9 0.11 0.025 0.815]);
axis xy; ax2.Visible = 'off'; hold off;