MATLAB: How to filter and arrange text in a file using textscan


Hello, I have a Log.txt file with data;
-1.1 1.1
-1.00019 1.9
-0.75007 0.75007
id type x y z
1 1 0.450082 1.76687 -0.101338
2 1 -0.0949301 1.76202 -0.0205438
3 1 0.0403266 1.78975 0.0742209
4 1 0.195614 1.75958 0.0106906
5 1 0.227547 1.84632 -0.098714
1 1 0.144155 1.76642 0.108974
2 1 0.288044 1.85155 0.0387214
3 1 0.370195 1.81785 -0.10084
4 1 0.383223 1.78207 0.0387085
5 1 -0.285847 1.72996 -0.00240017
1 1 0.450142 1.77285 0.117999
2 1 -0.318942 1.74455 -0.0651567
3 1 -0.198368 1.76376 0.0788363
4 1 0.255091 1.74895 0.0369646
5 1 -0.128421 1.72431 -0.113898
1 1 0.486869 1.83805 0.0239884
2 1 0.0405222 1.80871 -0.10944
3 1 -0.359026 1.75984 -0.00066415
4 1 -0.436089 1.73765 -0.0688759
5 1 -0.15772 1.81532 -0.0857257
I wrote a code as given below to skip the first 8 lines and subsequently read the entire text and in the process leaving non-numbers.
fid = fopen('Log.txt','r');
%Advance 8 lines:
linesToSkip = 8;
for ii = 1:linesToSkip-1
%Process all remaining lines
tline = fgetl(fid);
To_Excel_Data = []; %You should allocate if you know how large your data is
while ~feof(fid)
tline = fgetl(fid);
%Getting rid of non-numbers
tline = regexprep(tline,'[^0-9\s+-.eE]','');
To_Excel_Data = [To_Excel_Data; str2num(tline)];
The Output of the code is;
1 1 0.450082 1.76687 -0.101338
2 1 -0.0949301 1.76202 -0.0205438
3 1 0.0403266 1.78975 0.0742209
4 1 0.195614 1.75958 0.0106906
5 1 0.227547 1.84632 -0.098714
1 1 0.144155 1.76642 0.108974
2 1 0.288044 1.85155 0.0387214
3 1 0.370195 1.81785 -0.10084
4 1 0.383223 1.78207 0.0387085
5 1 -0.285847 1.72996 -0.00240017
1 1 0.450142 1.77285 0.117999
2 1 -0.318942 1.74455 -0.0651567
3 1 -0.198368 1.76376 0.0788363
4 1 0.255091 1.74895 0.0369646
5 1 -0.128421 1.72431 -0.113898
1 1 0.486869 1.83805 0.0239884
2 1 0.0405222 1.80871 -0.10944
3 1 -0.359026 1.75984 -0.00066415
4 1 -0.436089 1.73765 -0.0688759
5 1 -0.15772 1.81532 -0.0857257
Which is well and good. Now I am looking for help to extent the code with textscan (or an alternative) so that I can filter and group the data according to the identity of the first element in column 1 so that the output is;
1 1 0.450082 1.76687 -0.101338
1 1 0.144155 1.76642 0.108974
1 1 0.450142 1.77285 0.117999
1 1 0.486869 1.83805 0.0239884
2 1 -0.0949301 1.76202 -0.0205438
2 1 0.288044 1.85155 0.0387214
2 1 -0.318942 1.74455 -0.0651567
2 1 0.0405222 1.80871 -0.10944
3 1 0.0403266 1.78975 0.0742209
3 1 0.370195 1.81785 -0.10084
3 1 -0.198368 1.76376 0.0788363
3 1 -0.359026 1.75984 -0.00066415
4 1 0.195614 1.75958 0.0106906
4 1 0.383223 1.78207 0.0387085
4 1 0.255091 1.74895 0.0369646
4 1 -0.436089 1.73765 -0.0688759
5 1 0.227547 1.84632 -0.098714
5 1 -0.285847 1.72996 -0.00240017
5 1 -0.128421 1.72431 -0.113898
5 1 -0.15772 1.81532 -0.0857257
I look forward to your help. Thank you.

Best Answer

fid = fopen('LOG.txt','r') ;
S = textscan(fid,'%f','delimiter','\n','HeaderLines',9) ;
fclose(fid) ;
data = reshape(S{1},5,[])' ;
% seperate the data
[c,ia,ib] = unique(data(:,1)) ;
for i = 1:length(c)
idx = data(:,1)==c(i) ;
iwant(:,:,i) = data(idx,:) ;