MATLAB: How to filter all the frequencies from the audio signal.

audioband pass filterfourierfrequencysignalSignal Processing Toolboxtransformation

Hello guys, so I have this problem, I do have an audio signal, from two seperate sources with some noise. I need to seperate thoose into proper frequencies and print them out, how would I do that ? I already have the spectrum of the signal, that i acquired using FFT. But i get a lot of frequencies grouped in two spots, i don't get it how i get only the frequencies i need ? I added picture of the spectrum above.

Best Answer

2 gifts for you today (lucky man !)
  • a code for general spectral analysis
  • examples of digital filters you can use to eliminate unwanted frequency bands or keep (with a bandpass filter) frequencies of interest; once the filter is designed you can apply it on your signal using filter or filtfilt
hope it helps
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