MATLAB: How to filter a table in matlab and then assign a value using a loop

filterfilter tabletable

Hi. I have a table A with 5 columns, the first three columns are categorical and the other two are numbers. The table contains 198 riws and is like this:
TumoSize NodalStatus Grading ER HER2
pT1b pN0 G2 0 0
pT2 pN3 G3 90 3
pT2 p1mi G2 55 2
Now, I have to filter this table per raw and assign a score of:
  • 2 when TumorSize is equal to pT2 or pT3 or pT4
  • 1 when NodalStatus is equal to pN2 or N3
  • 1 when Grading is equal to G3
  • 1 when ER is <70
  • 1 when HER2 is equal to 0 or 1 or 2
At the end, I have to sum all this score per raw and then divide in three groups, according to the score (score between 0-2; score 3 or 4 and score 5-7)
My code, that doesn't work, is:
for r = 1:size(A,1)
for c = 1:size(A,2)
g = A(r,c);
score = 0;
if g == 'pT2' || g == 'pT3' || g == 'pT4' || g == 'pN2' || g == 'pN3'
score = 2;
else if g == 'G3' || g >= 0 && g<70 || g == 0 || g == 1 || g == 2
score = 1;
score = 0
B(r,c) = score
total_score = sum(B,2) %sum score
firstgroup = sum(total_score == 0 | total_score == 1 | total_score == 2)
secondgroup = sum(total_score == 3 | total_score == 4)
thirdgroup = sum(total_score == 5 | total_score == 6 | total_score == 7)
it doesn't work!!! Help me please 🙂
thank you in advance

Best Answer

% Define a column for Scores
A.Score(1:size(A,1),1) = 0;
% Scores due to Tumor Size
A.Score(A.TumorSize=='pT2' | A.TumorSize=='pT3' | A.TumorSize=='pT4') = A.Score(A.TumorSize=='pT2' | A.TumorSize=='pT3' | A.TumorSize=='pT4') + 2;
% Scores due to Nodal Status
A.Score(A.NodalStatus=='pN2' | A.TumorSize=='pN3') = A.Score(A.NodalStatus=='pN2' | A.TumorSize=='pN3') + 1;
% Scores due to Grading
A.Score(A.Grading=='G3') = A.Score(A.Grading=='G3') + 1;
% Scores due to ER
A.Score(A.ER<70) = A.Score(A.ER<70) + 1;
% Scores due to HER2
A.Score(A.HER2==0 | A.HER2==1 | A.HER2==2) = A.Score(A.HER2==0 | A.HER2==1 | A.HER2==2) + 1;
%Define column for Grouping
A.Group(1:size(A,1),1) = NaN;
% Assign groups due to Scores
A.Group(A.Score>=0 & A.Score<=2) = 1;
A.Group(A.Score>=3 & A.Score<=4) = 2;
A.Group(A.Score>=5 & A.Score<=7) = 3;
Best regards
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