MATLAB: How to filter a matrix Row by Row to get the highest value

fliter a matrixImage Processing ToolboxMATLAB

Dear all,
I have this matrix
A= [ 31,62.3, 31,96.3, 31,52.8, 57,91.4 ;...
71,64.4, 31,93.5, 31,36.2, 57,83.1 ] ;
I want to scan this matrix row by row such that values at the odd columns will not be repeated + it will get the highest value at the even column attached to it
So I want the following answer:
Answer = [ 31,96.3 57,91.4 0,0 ;...
71,64.4 31,93.5 57,83.1 ]
The oreder of pairs in each row is not important. The following answe is also OK
Answer = [ 57,91.4 31,96.3 0,0 ;...
31,93.5 57,83.1 71,64.4 ]
Many thanks in advance.

Best Answer

See if this satisfies your needs:
C = zeros(size(A));
for k = 1:size(A,1)
B = reshape(A(k,:),2,[]).';
G = findgroups(B(:,1));
BB = reshape(B(any(B(:,2)==splitapply(@(x)max(x),...
C(k,1:numel(BB)) = BB;
C(:,all(C==0,1)) = []
Note: Not tested under all circumstances.