MATLAB: How to fill the blank regions within blood vessels

digital image processingeyeimage processingImage Processing Toolboximage segmentationophthalmologyretina

I am doing the blood vessel extraction of retinal eye fundus images and got an output as in figure above.But I can see some
gaps within the blood vessels which need to be filled(i.e, the black lines inside the white blood vessels).
Can anyone suggest me how to do this task.

Best Answer

If I am not mistaken, I have answered this question some time back.
  1. Invert (So that the target black pixels become tiny white regions)
  2. Morphological Operation (Erode the image with proper struturing element), so that all tiny white region within the vessels should be erode.
  3. Dilate by same structuring element to mainain the same in the others parts of the image
  4. Invert Back
Cheers :)
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