MATLAB: How to fill cell array with a data file

cellcell arraydatadata importload

Hi, I want to create cell array like edge={} (3×947) but i dont want to use edge=cell(3,947) -because next function that i will use need to be {}. i create
how could i add data file in this cell array. or convert it cell array? I want tit to show in command window like this;
y =
[0.9] [0.8] [0.05]
[0.1] [0.2] [1.01]
[0.2] [0.7] [1.32]
[0.5] [0.4] [0.48]
[0.5] [0.6] [0.76]...
Can you help me to find out how to do that?

Best Answer

Why do you want a cell array when y, the regular old numerical array, is so much simpler?