MATLAB: How to fill a 2D array using for loops with given ranges

2d arrayfor loops

so i am given a problem in which i have a range for speed and density and i need to create an mxn matrix that contains the values of the power, by varying the air speed in the range of 15 m/s < V < 35 m/s and the air density range of 1.11 kg/m3 < density < 1.29 kg/m3. the power is given by a formula between speed and density. but i don't know how to fill this particular array whose dimensions are 19 rows (for the density) by 21 columns (for the speed). any suggestions ? Below is my attempt to try and fill the array.
height = input('enter the height of the car in meters: ');
width = input('enter the width of the front of the car in meters: ');
frontal_area = height * width;
v = [15:35];
roh = [1.11:0.01:1.29];
k = 0;
l = 0;
p = [];
for k = 1:length(v)
for l = 1:length(roh)
p = 0.2 * roh(l) * v(k).^3 * frontal_area

Best Answer

You need to index p:
for col = 1:length(v)
for row = 1:length(roh)
p(row, col) = 0.2 * roh(row) * v(col).^3 * frontal_area