MATLAB: How to extract values of fields in a multi-level structure in MATLAB 8.1(R2013a)


I have a structure converted from xml file. Now I want to extract data from the structure and store them in an array. Now the problem is taht the structure is quite big and contains many substructures underneath like the following. I wonder how to extract all values from it? Does it need a loop?
bigs.xy=[0.1 0.5];

Best Answer

If you know the whole construction of the structure, please refer to the related solution listed below.
But if you don't know how many levels included in the structure, a WHILE loop would be suitable for the job. Additionally, the data types of different fields usually are not all the same, so store the values in cells first could be safer for postprocessing the data. The attached example expand the structure regardless the field names and save all values in cells. Please modify the code accordingly to meet your need.