MATLAB: How to extract the signal/noise ratio (SNR) for a model in the Communication blockset 4.2 (R2009a)

communications blockset

I am trying to determine the SNR ratio in the demo model 'RF Satellite link'.
In the model, I would like to be able to determine more of an approximate value/mathematical value rather than having a visual estimation of what the value could be through the scope of the power spectrum scope.
I also noticed that the noise in this system is modeled non-linearly and is not additive.Is it possible to still extract an estimate value of the SNR ratio?

Best Answer

It is possible to calculate the SNR for a RF model.
Attached is an attempt to calculate the SNR for the system by taking the signals prior and after the noise addition via the Receiver thermal noise block in the demo.
Note that this calculation is over the whole sampling band.