MATLAB: How to extract the full character string using a FOR loop

character char index for-loop

I have an array of water quality values, I set any value that is fit for consumption to zero and only those unsuitable for consumption are left as nonzero values in the array. I then create a second array which is the index of each of the unsuitable values:
ind_unsuit = find (WQI_Belayhari_unsuit);
I want to use this index array to extract the names of the locations of each sample. The names of the all of the sampling locations are stored in a character array:
SL_Belayhari = char(SL_Belayhari);
I am able to extract the first character of each name using the following code:
loc_unsuit = ones(size(ind_unsuit));
for j=1:length(ind_unsuit);
[loc_unsuit(j)] = SL_Belayhari(ind_unsuit(j));
My question is, how can I extract the full character string, so that I can access the complete name of the location of each sample, rather than simply the first character?
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

Is SL_Belayhari a character vector (string), or is it a character array in which each row is a location (blank padded if need be)?
Have you considered the alternative of using a cell array of strings instead of a character array?
SL_Belayhari = {'Station 1', 'Station 73', 'Blue Pump House'};
for j=1:length(ind_unsuit);
loc_unsuit{j} = SL_Belayhari{ind_unsuit(j)};
which could then be shortened to
loc_unsuit = SL_Belayhari(ind_unsuit);
with no "for" loop